

Diva Distro running in my machine

 Diva Distro Installing
First we need to:
1-Get a domain address for fixed external IP here: . I will reffer to this as "yourdomainaddress".
2-Get opened ports. (help here and here )
TCP and UDP 9000-9005,
TCP 8000-8006
3-Download MoWes portable (download with mysql, apache and php applications). As it seems a software no longer supported, the link goes to my personal box.
4-Download last Diva Distribution from Metaverse Ink site
Unzip both Mowes and Diva-Distro into the same folder.

Now mysql installing (info from here)
Run mowes.exe and install all 3 app.
Now go to mysql/bin folder and do...schift+RMC in the blank space on the right, scroll down oppened dialog and choose: Open command window.

This action will open the mysql console.
Use this console for copy/paste one by one the next commands just as they are, even with ";" at the end, and hit enter at each one:

mysql -u root -p -h localhost
mysql password: nothing here (enter)
create database opensim;
create user opensim identified by ‘opensimpass’;
create user ’opensim’@’localhost’ identified by‘opensimpass’;
grant all on opensim.* to opensim;
grant all on opensim.* to ’opensim’@’localhost’;

Close mysql console.

Configuring OpenSim
Go to Diva/bin folder and run Configure.exe, the application. This will start a console application that will automatically configure your OpenSim.
This will ask you same important questions:
Name of your world: yourworldname
MySql database schema name: opensim
MySql database user account: opensim
MySql database password for that account: opensimpass
Your external domain name (preferred) or IP address: yourdomainaddress
This installation is going to run on
 [1] .NET/Windows
 [2] *ix/Mono
Choose 1 or 2 [1]:

The next questions are for configuring Wifi,
the web application where your users can register.

Wifi Admin first name [Wifi]: yourusername
Wifi Admin last name [Admin]: youruserlastname
Wifi Admin password [secret]: youruserpassword
Wifi Admin email [admin@localhost]:
User account creation [o]pen or [c]ontrolled [o]:
Wifi sends email notifications via gmail, by default.
Gmail user name [none]: youremailaddress or none
Gmail password [none]:

Your regions have been successfully configured.
Your World has been successfully configured


Your world's configuration is config-include/MyWorld.ini.
Please revise it.

 Some changes for making your Diva hypergrid enabled
Go to Diva/bin/config-include folder and edit with Notepad the file MyWorld.ini.
Look for all existent  "" and put  "yourdomainaddress" instead .
You will find that point already done in the lastest Diva releases.

Now go to Diva/bin/Regions folder and edit the file RegionConfig.ini file.
Be sure it is "yourdomainaddress" what is in "External host name" lines for your 4 regions.
Change coordinates to one more unique place for your regions by adding a number between 5000-8000 to all of them (for example sum 7564 to all 8 given coordinates numbers).

Now is time to run your world
Go to Diva/bin folder again and  run OpenSim.exe, the application. This will start a console application. If running on a 64-bit machine, run OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe instead.
This still will ask you for some more questions.
Name of new Estate: "My Estate"
Owner first name: youravatarfirstname
Owner last name: youravatarlastname
For 2º,3º and 4º regions you will say "yes" and "enter" for adding to 1º region and Estate.

Now launch viewer
Open grids manager in your viewer and add a new one with your grid name and Domain as URI:
Apply and log-in. Remember you have to use same user name and password you did before when configuring opensim.
You can add new users by using wifi page at http://yourdomainaddress:9000/wifi

Updating your Diva to lastest release
Go to your old Diva/bin folder and run Update.exe file.
This will automatically download unzip and install lastest Diva release telling you about new info needed.
Close your old opensim console by shutting down and run the new one placed in a folder side by side.

Saving and Loading OARs
(see command lines post too)
Save OARs is a little tricky because when you do in root it will only save the complete root region and the objects in the other 3. So you have to go changing region and saving each other 3 separately.
When loading you have to load first the root and then go changing region again and loading the other 3.

ADDING NEW REGIONS overrinding Megaregion.
What we have got till now is a Megaregion made of 4 seamless region parts.
For adding new regions we have to override this feature. That is, we will have as many regions as we want placed side be side with border crossing issues for scripts when passing through.
1- First of all you need so many more ports oppened as regions you want to add. (Every region need their unique oppened port.)

2- Close all (viewer,console, mowes) and edit bin/Regions/regions.ini file.
See there are 4 sets of lines corresponding the one to each region .
Copy/Paste all lines in one region-set so many times as nº of regions you want to add.

3- Now you have to change values so each region will end having their own uniques values.
Change in the copyed sets:
-Region name, or else add consecutive numbers to the same name.
-UUIDs. Get unique uuids here.
-Location. Give coordinates side by side accordingly as it would show in map.See help graphics at

And now we have to override Diva's configuration for megaregion (many thanks to Michael Blade for this valuable info).
So we have to edit in Notepad the bin/config-include/MyWorld.ini file.
Find the top section "[StartUp]".  At the end of this section, before the next which should be "[DatabaseService]", add the following (2) lines of text below:

; *** Override Diva's Personal Preference for Mega-region
CombineContiguousRegions = false

Save and close file.
We'll see how this came up running again MoWes and OpenSim.exe/OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe:
Console will ask you if you want new regions added to an already existent Estate. Say Yes/Enter to all questions.
Launch viewer again.

Enlarging MEGAREGION to 6 or 9 regions. Can we call it Mega-Megaregions?
I found a way for ADDING REGIONS TO A MEGAREGION without overriding Megaregion features.
It must be done in a specific order for positioning regions in the right way.
It must be always root region at SW and last region at NE.
See the graffics here for calculating the right coordinates for each region and which you will be adding one by one.
First you have to delete all except root regions in your Diva distribution because they are arranged for a 4 regions-Megaregion only. So you save oars and terrains from all your regions before go on, or even better you may start with a completely new Diva instance to play arround with no fears.

1- In the opensim console use delete command by typing as follow:

delete-region yourfirstregionname

hit enter, wait for complection and repeat  the delete command for regions 2  to 4.

3- Now create your new regions by typing:

create region yourregionname_2 anynamehere.ini

When asked, give coordinates, port and yourexternal IP or domain.

Repeat the create region command for all the next 5 or 8 regions, giving the asked values accordingly.
Remenber each region must get their own unique name and values.

Type in console: shutdown

4-Go to bin/Regions folder and edit in Notepad anynamehere.ini file, sellect all lines in this file and copy.
Now edit RegionConfig.ini file, sellect all lines except the root region ones, in this file and paste. Save.

5- Delete anynamehere.ini file.

6- Run console again and check results out launching the viewer.

 Disclaimer: Just sharing as I go learning in the by, so you may encounter some inaccuracies in my tutos. Corrections are welcome.

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