

Create a cap hat mesh in blender

I first found this Real Burger tutorial here .
I made it in Blender 2.64a.

1. First, create a cube.
2.Go to Edit Mode, face mode, select bottom face and extrude by typing E and then Z.

 3. Shrink the extruded face a little bit using S shift Z:

 4. Move up the extruded face inside the cube by dragging the blue arrow up:

 5. Change to edge selection mode and select the bottom front edge. Move it up at 40% of the height of the cube by draging the blue arrow:

 6. Go to faces selection mode and select the front face. Click Subdivide once in the mesh tool. (If you don't find mesh tool, hit space bar and type subdivide in the pop up window tools).

7. Go again to edges select mode, select the two horizontal middle edges of the front face and lower them by draging down the blue arrow:

 8. Select the center bottom edge of the front face and upper it at 50% of the face height:

 9. For making the visor, go to faces selection mode again and select the two front little faces, extrude them by clicking E and then Y:

10. Now comes the magic...Go to vertices selection mode and select all by typing A.
Hit space bar to open the pop up window tools,  type "sub " on the search box  , click on "subdivision set" .

See "Level" in the Subdivision set tab in the left, (below Mesh tool tab). Any number up in level will repeat the subdivision set command by increasing exponencially the number of vertexes and the land impact of final product. So you better combine with "Smooth" tool that seems to be non-destructive modifier, only optical effect applied.

11. If you want to do modifications on the modeled cap, still in Object mode do click on Object Modifiers icon in the tools panel, then click on "Apply" modifier, go back to edit mode and start to remodeling the cap.
Done that, click on "Smooth Vertex"  in the Mesh tool tab.
Do File/ Save as / cap.blend for future use.

12.The cap is done!. Go to object mode, select the cap and go to File/Export/Collada.dae. Be sure to get checked "Apply Modifiers" , "view" and "Selection only" in the Export Collada tab on the left.

Disclaimer: Just sharing as I go learning in the by so you may encounter some inaccuracies in my tutos. Corrections are welcome.
Key words: how to, mesh, upload to cloud party, blender tutorial

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